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The University of British Columbia

When Plans Change

Learn about our cancellation, withdrawal and refund policies.


If you, for any reason, can no longer participate in VSP and choose to withdraw after you have confirmed your acceptance, please email with an official withdrawal request along with a brief explanation for the withdrawal. 

If you have already paid your fees, you may be eligible for a refund.


General Refund Policies

  1. The application fee ($125) will not be refunded except when a course package is cancelled.
  2. Refunds may incur additional charges and exchange rate differences.
  3. All refunds will be processed after the end of the July Session.

Refunds for Visa/eTA Refusals

If you are withdrawing from VSP because Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) has denied your application for a Visitor Visa or Electronic Travel Authorization (eTA), VSP will refund 100% of the program fee paid (excluding service charges).

You must email to submit a withdrawal and refund request before your program start date. Your email must include:

1. An official withdrawal request stating that IRCC has denied your application for a Visitor Visa or eTA, and

2. The official letter of Visitor Visa or eTA denial issued by IRCC.

Refunds for Visa/eTA Delays

If you are unable to participate in VSP because you are unable to obtain a Visa/eTA before the program start date, VSP will refund your program fee based on the following terms:

If your Visa/eTA application was submitted on or before the following dates, VSP will refund 100% of the program fee paid (excluding service charges):

  • VSP 2024 June Session participants: March 14, 2025
  • VSP 2024 July Session participants: April 18, 2025

You must provide copies of official documents (e.g. confirmation from IRCC) showing the date which you have applied for a Visa/eTA, and submit your refund request no later than 1 day before the program start date (June 5, 2025 for June Session and July 10, 2025 for July Session) in order to qualify for a refund under this situation.

If your Visa/eTA application was submitted after the deadlines outlined above: Refunds will follow the general refund terms listed in the table under “General Refund Policies” on this page.

Refunds for Course Cancellations

If your enrolled course package has been cancelled and you are unable to join any alternative course packages on offer, VSP will refund 100% of the application and program fees paid (excluding service charges).

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